Tuesday, April 3, 2012

catchin' up.

Let me just start this post with a little story for you. I guess I just always assumed that if people read your blog, they would also leave a comment. Maybe that's because I find it necessary to contribute my sage wisdom or opinion all too often to things that I read! Apparently I slipped and described my sister as "pregnant" in a previous post. While this is very much a genuine fact about her, I was unaware of two things:  (number one) My sister had not told her friends that she was indeed expecting, and (number 2) people actually read this! I'm honored. Thank you, whoever you are. Also, if you found out about the upcoming Doner child via my blog, I'm sorry, I know that's a weird way to find out something like that!

Anyways, on to other news... After 4 nights in the hospital, Mom's home! YAY! It feels great to have her here. Now we are just trying to get into a routine for the next few weeks as she is continuing her recovery. Can I just say that she is handling everything from the pains of John and me constantly fussing over her to the more excruciating pains of her chest like a champ!

I know she has a long road ahead, so please continue to pray for her as she heals. Let's pray that this process does not include radiation or chemotherapy! We'll find out more later this week via the surgical results and readings.

This post is brief, but I am going to take advantage of getting some sleep now. I just wanted to catch all of my "loyal readers" up to date.

We love you all and are so grateful for your love and prayers. Each day brings a little bit more healing with it, and it's been encouraging to watch Mom get back little by little to being her strong, beautiful-spirited self.

Ever so grateful, AJR 


  1. Thanks for keeping us all updated and inspired by your reliance on God in all of this! We'll keep praying...sending lots of love your way!

  2. We may or may not have found out about your sister through the blog. ;) Haha, too funny. Glad mom's home. Hope she is still recovering well. Love you.

  3. Sorry I sold you out, Alyssa :) I totally read your blog and messaged Pearl immediately. Thanks for forcing us to have a MUCH needed and overdue skype date. Also thanks for keeping us all up-to-date on your mom through this blog. Continuing to pray!
